- οὐριόω
οὐριόω, günstigen Wind haben, mit günstigem Winde segeln, übertr., οὐρίωκεν ἐϑείρας εἰς δρόμον, Philp. 50 (IX, 777), dem Winde preisgeben.
οὐριόω, günstigen Wind haben, mit günstigem Winde segeln, übertr., οὐρίωκεν ἐϑείρας εἰς δρόμον, Philp. 50 (IX, 777), dem Winde preisgeben.
οὐρίωκεν — οὐριόω give to the winds plup ind act 3rd pl (epic doric aeolic) οὐριόω give to the winds perf ind act 3rd sg οὐριόω give to the winds plup ind act 3rd pl (epic doric aeolic) … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
οὐρίων — οὐ̱ρίων , ὄρος implement for pressing grapes neut gen pl (epic doric ionic) οὔριον ward neut gen pl οὔριος with a fair wind fem gen pl οὔριος with a fair wind masc/neut gen pl οὔριος with a fair wind masc/fem/neut gen pl οὐρέω make water pres… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
οὐρίου — οὔριον ward neut gen sg οὔριος with a fair wind masc/neut gen sg οὔριος with a fair wind masc/fem/neut gen sg οὐριόω give to the winds imperf ind act 3rd sg οὐριόω give to the winds pres imperat act 2nd sg οὐριόω give to the winds imperf ind act… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
προσουρίου — πρόσ οὐριόω give to the winds imperf ind act 3rd sg πρόσ οὐριόω give to the winds pres imperat act 2nd sg πρόσ οὐριόω give to the winds imperf ind act 3rd sg (homeric ionic) … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
οὐρίους — οὔριος with a fair wind masc acc pl οὔριος with a fair wind masc/fem acc pl οὐριόω give to the winds imperf ind act 2nd sg οὐριόω give to the winds imperf ind act 2nd sg (homeric ionic) … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
οὐρίως — οὔριος with a fair wind adverbial οὔριος with a fair wind masc acc pl (doric) οὔριος with a fair wind adverbial οὔριος with a fair wind masc/fem acc pl (doric) οὐριόω give to the winds imperf ind act 2nd sg (doric aeolic) οὐριόω give to the winds … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
περικατουρίωσε — περί , κατά οὐριόω give to the winds aor ind act 3rd sg περί , κατά οὐριόω give to the winds aor ind act 3rd sg (homeric ionic) … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)